............posted on the webpage of a HK travel agency:
For the applicants who already had China Visa before, and would like to apply for L or F Visa again, their previous visa should be totally expired OR has been cancelled before application
See also the comments:
Please also see more than 300 posts on http://www.geoexpat.com/
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Changes on the "Commissioner's Office" webpage regarding F visa
Significant change in the section "Visa categories and the requirements of supporting documents" - for F Visa (this must have been only up-dated in the last days):
2. F visa for business and visit (updated from April,2008)
To apply for single or double entry business and visit visa
(1) "Visa Notification Form" issued by the relevant department
of Chinese government or the government-authorized company;
(2)A copy of Chinese hotel booking;
(3)A copy of return flight ticket booking;
To apply for multiple-entry business visa, "Visa Notification Form" issued by authorized Foreign Affairs Office or Bureau of Commerce(original),together with Hong Kong Permanent ID card (original and photocopy) and other possible supporting documentation( Registration Certificate of your company in China, etc) are needed. Multiple-entry visa is issued at the discretion of the consular officers.
Added is the part "To apply for multiple-entry business visa"
This means:
Having the "visa notification letter" + "PERMANENT HK ID" but maybe no "other possible supporting documentation" (above named "Registration Certificate of your company in China") - the multiple F visa application can / will be denied. So we all need to become "tourists" now and contribute to the HK travel agency industry.
This kind of requirements was even not necessary 20 years ago - Cheers !
But then the link on same webpage "Additional information" should be up-dated also - right ? http://www.fmcoprc.gov.hk/eng/zgqz/qtxx/default.htm
2. F visa for business and visit (updated from April,2008)
To apply for single or double entry business and visit visa
(1) "Visa Notification Form" issued by the relevant department
of Chinese government or the government-authorized company;
(2)A copy of Chinese hotel booking;
(3)A copy of return flight ticket booking;
To apply for multiple-entry business visa, "Visa Notification Form" issued by authorized Foreign Affairs Office or Bureau of Commerce(original),together with Hong Kong Permanent ID card (original and photocopy) and other possible supporting documentation( Registration Certificate of your company in China, etc) are needed. Multiple-entry visa is issued at the discretion of the consular officers.
Added is the part "To apply for multiple-entry business visa"
This means:
Having the "visa notification letter" + "PERMANENT HK ID" but maybe no "other possible supporting documentation" (above named "Registration Certificate of your company in China") - the multiple F visa application can / will be denied. So we all need to become "tourists" now and contribute to the HK travel agency industry.
This kind of requirements was even not necessary 20 years ago - Cheers !
But then the link on same webpage "Additional information" should be up-dated also - right ? http://www.fmcoprc.gov.hk/eng/zgqz/qtxx/default.htm
SCMP 29.04. Confusing comment......
Page 3: "Baffled visa - seekers on road to nowhere":
"...........................they require people from all countries to apply for China visas in their home countries".
This seems to be wrong info - it should read: ....require people from a list of 33 countries to apply for China visas in their home countries".
List of this 33 countries in an earlier post.
"...........................they require people from all countries to apply for China visas in their home countries".
This seems to be wrong info - it should read: ....require people from a list of 33 countries to apply for China visas in their home countries".
List of this 33 countries in an earlier post.
Monday, April 28, 2008
To avoid misunderstandings
This blog is not "against China" !
This blog is against an unreasonable and maybe not very well consulted change of "china visa politics".
This blog is for the many people who travel China very frequently - not for the purpose of "pure traveling". This is for business.
These people "travel" for the purpose of business visits, meetings + quality control at their chinese business partners site.
Many of us have chosen China as our manufacturing base, including all positive and all negative effects.
It is not "understandable" why "foreign passport holders" with a reasonable "visa history" are now almost completely "blocked" to follow their business on the mainland and to visit their business partners on the mainland.
Even more not "understandable" it is why a "foreign passport holder" with a permanent HK ID card now gets a 1x entry for a maximum of 2 days - permitted to Shenzhen only, same passport holder has a visa history of almost 10 years with nearly 250 - 300 entries/exits including Z visas.
The advice by the "Consul" to apply in Guangzhou for the "VISA NOTIFICATION LETTER" and then getting a visa issued "permitted to Shenzhen only" is quite irritating:
Probably this is already breaking the "exit/entry law for aliens" when going to Guangzhou to apply for this "VISA NOTIFICATION LETTER" as the visa is "permitted to Shenzhen" only.
We are not "terrorists", we are not "trouble-makers" + we are not "Tibet activists" or whatever could be any concern of "disturbing the social order + harmony" on the mainland.
It should be taken into serious consideration by the responsible department in Beijing to introduce some "slight amendments" to this "new china visa" policy very quickly.
Also the "Hong Kong SAR" government should raise a word about this "new china visa" policies - isn't it ?
Last note: Personally it is a "heavy slap" directly in the face, makes many business people feel very embarrassed + frustrated and sad: Why getting this kind of treatment after so many years ?
This blog is against an unreasonable and maybe not very well consulted change of "china visa politics".
This blog is for the many people who travel China very frequently - not for the purpose of "pure traveling". This is for business.
These people "travel" for the purpose of business visits, meetings + quality control at their chinese business partners site.
Many of us have chosen China as our manufacturing base, including all positive and all negative effects.
It is not "understandable" why "foreign passport holders" with a reasonable "visa history" are now almost completely "blocked" to follow their business on the mainland and to visit their business partners on the mainland.
Even more not "understandable" it is why a "foreign passport holder" with a permanent HK ID card now gets a 1x entry for a maximum of 2 days - permitted to Shenzhen only, same passport holder has a visa history of almost 10 years with nearly 250 - 300 entries/exits including Z visas.
The advice by the "Consul" to apply in Guangzhou for the "VISA NOTIFICATION LETTER" and then getting a visa issued "permitted to Shenzhen only" is quite irritating:
Probably this is already breaking the "exit/entry law for aliens" when going to Guangzhou to apply for this "VISA NOTIFICATION LETTER" as the visa is "permitted to Shenzhen" only.
We are not "terrorists", we are not "trouble-makers" + we are not "Tibet activists" or whatever could be any concern of "disturbing the social order + harmony" on the mainland.
It should be taken into serious consideration by the responsible department in Beijing to introduce some "slight amendments" to this "new china visa" policy very quickly.
Also the "Hong Kong SAR" government should raise a word about this "new china visa" policies - isn't it ?
Last note: Personally it is a "heavy slap" directly in the face, makes many business people feel very embarrassed + frustrated and sad: Why getting this kind of treatment after so many years ?
Relevant Department of Chinese............
Government in Shanghai to issue the "visa notification letter" - info by Richard Brubaker here:
Sounds still very complicate (compared with what was before) - but it seems this is pure intention.
Any reader already got a visa notification letter issued and filed a successful application for multiply entry visa with this "Letter" ?
Would like to know if this "multiply entry visa" shows any further restriction - like only permitted for Shanghai or any province for example.
Sounds still very complicate (compared with what was before) - but it seems this is pure intention.
Any reader already got a visa notification letter issued and filed a successful application for multiply entry visa with this "Letter" ?
Would like to know if this "multiply entry visa" shows any further restriction - like only permitted for Shanghai or any province for example.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Please also read several new posts below and what the WALL STREET JOURNAL reports on china visa news:
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Mrs Fiona Mak from Tseung Kwan O plays the "racist card" in the SCMP today
A readers comment on page A12 today - here some parts of it:
"It is clear from letters by expatriates in these columns, about their demand for visa-free entry to the mainland, that there is a need for some kind of a test for future applicants for HK permanent residency, to ensure that they have some basic knowledge of residency status........Perhaps jobs which require frequent trips into and out of the mainland should be handled by personnel who have the right of free entry.
There is no reason why because of a small number of expatriates are vociferous, priority should be given to their personal issues........Foreign nationals who have acquired their permanent residency from arrangements which Hong Kong has adopted from the previous administration..........."
I probably have missed some of the letters Mrs Mak is referring to but I guess it is the topic that also "foreign passport holders" with perm HK ID card should get the right to receive the China home return card. And I agree that we should get this home return card by 100%.
We "small number of vociferous expatriates" already hire + pay personnel who have the right of free entry - means local HK staff.
Don't worry we are sending them often enough - but if you allow we sometimes should have the "right" to see what is going on in the factories on the mainland and to see with our "gweilo eyes" the quality of the products we have ordered and we have to pay for.
You maybe remember there have been some emails earlier to some members of the LEGCO. 1 answer by Hon Mrs. Rita Fan (president of LEGCO). Very much appreciated this answer.
No answer from Hon Mrs. Anson Chan, no answer from Hon Mrs. Sophie Leung (garment + manufacturing) and no answer from Hon Mr. Howard Young the legislator for the tourism section who was stating that this new measures are "understandable".
"It is clear from letters by expatriates in these columns, about their demand for visa-free entry to the mainland, that there is a need for some kind of a test for future applicants for HK permanent residency, to ensure that they have some basic knowledge of residency status........Perhaps jobs which require frequent trips into and out of the mainland should be handled by personnel who have the right of free entry.
There is no reason why because of a small number of expatriates are vociferous, priority should be given to their personal issues........Foreign nationals who have acquired their permanent residency from arrangements which Hong Kong has adopted from the previous administration..........."
I probably have missed some of the letters Mrs Mak is referring to but I guess it is the topic that also "foreign passport holders" with perm HK ID card should get the right to receive the China home return card. And I agree that we should get this home return card by 100%.
We "small number of vociferous expatriates" already hire + pay personnel who have the right of free entry - means local HK staff.
Don't worry we are sending them often enough - but if you allow we sometimes should have the "right" to see what is going on in the factories on the mainland and to see with our "gweilo eyes" the quality of the products we have ordered and we have to pay for.
You maybe remember there have been some emails earlier to some members of the LEGCO. 1 answer by Hon Mrs. Rita Fan (president of LEGCO). Very much appreciated this answer.
No answer from Hon Mrs. Anson Chan, no answer from Hon Mrs. Sophie Leung (garment + manufacturing) and no answer from Hon Mr. Howard Young the legislator for the tourism section who was stating that this new measures are "understandable".
SCMP: "Chamber bemoans visa woes"........
"EU Chamber of Commerce in Beijing said the mainland's new visa rules were hampering economic co-operation between China and the EU" and if you turn to the next page:
"EU - China talks focus on business relationship":
"Flanked by a delegation of nine EU commissioners, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso arrived in Beijing on Thursday for a three-day exchange........"
I have sent an email to Mr Barroso and asked him to mention the" China Visa "problem". during this visit.
See the link of the Chinese Consulate in Sydney with very clear explanations for all Visa types.
It is very much to question why the info on the web-site of the Commissioners Office in HK looks extremely "messy" compared with this one from Sydney:
"EU - China talks focus on business relationship":
"Flanked by a delegation of nine EU commissioners, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso arrived in Beijing on Thursday for a three-day exchange........"
I have sent an email to Mr Barroso and asked him to mention the" China Visa "problem". during this visit.
See the link of the Chinese Consulate in Sydney with very clear explanations for all Visa types.
It is very much to question why the info on the web-site of the Commissioners Office in HK looks extremely "messy" compared with this one from Sydney:
What is really disturbing with the whole CHINA VISA ISSUE ?
It is the wrong signal in the wrong direction - and it makes people angry + dissapointed ("foreign passport holders" with permanent HK ID card for example) who have spent a lot of money in China the last years, who have placed many orders to China factories - and now we get a KICK IN THE........!
The permanent + penetrant repeating of Mrs Jiang Yu (Foreign Ministry spokeswoman) that "multiply entry visas are still available for "eligible applicants" - is only the half truth - she always forgets to mention that this "eligible applicants" need to visit some "Chamber of Commerce" or "Security Office" on the mainland (in the province this "eligible applicants" want to travel most often) to apply for the "visa notification letter" together with other certifications (your company letter + for safety also a letter of at least 1 of your chinese business partners - do not forget the RED CHOP) - this is such a buerocratric difficulty that many of the "eligible applicants" will not do this or will fail to obtain this paper. They will rather prefer to apply double-entry TOURIST L VISA for HKD 1,500 or more through local travel agencies.
By the way:
WHAT IS THE GOVERNMENT OF THE HKSAR DOING ? It seems not too much.............
It is the wrong signal in the wrong direction - and it makes people angry + dissapointed ("foreign passport holders" with permanent HK ID card for example) who have spent a lot of money in China the last years, who have placed many orders to China factories - and now we get a KICK IN THE........!
The permanent + penetrant repeating of Mrs Jiang Yu (Foreign Ministry spokeswoman) that "multiply entry visas are still available for "eligible applicants" - is only the half truth - she always forgets to mention that this "eligible applicants" need to visit some "Chamber of Commerce" or "Security Office" on the mainland (in the province this "eligible applicants" want to travel most often) to apply for the "visa notification letter" together with other certifications (your company letter + for safety also a letter of at least 1 of your chinese business partners - do not forget the RED CHOP) - this is such a buerocratric difficulty that many of the "eligible applicants" will not do this or will fail to obtain this paper. They will rather prefer to apply double-entry TOURIST L VISA for HKD 1,500 or more through local travel agencies.
By the way:
WHAT IS THE GOVERNMENT OF THE HKSAR DOING ? It seems not too much.............
Friday, April 25, 2008
...........more for today - read below posts about CHINA VISA NEWS + up-dated comments!
"Visa clarification fails to satisfy"
......on today front page of SCMP. The given assurance that they would continue to issue 12-month re-entry visas to British business people ........if they supply an invitation letter by a relevant department of the central government, such as chamber of commerce in addition to return flight ticket + hotel voucher - this is all meaningless - it is stressful and not guaranteed to get this "visa notification letter" - and then probably the visa issued based on this "visa notification letter" will be limited to the province / city it was issued......Anybody applied already this letter and got a multiply entry visa issued ? Please comment.
Here the NY Times yesterday:
Here the NY Times yesterday:
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Radio report from Australia here:
This travel agent must be very happy: Single entry L Visa 30 days express HKD 1,340 (at Commissioners Office same = HKD 400) - similar price for double entry. Prices for UK + USA passportholders are even much higher !
Apply through this agent you no need copy of hotel booking + return ticket ?
This travel agent must be very happy: Single entry L Visa 30 days express HKD 1,340 (at Commissioners Office same = HKD 400) - similar price for double entry. Prices for UK + USA passportholders are even much higher !
Apply through this agent you no need copy of hotel booking + return ticket ?
Singapore - New regulation
CHINA VISA NEWS for SINGAPORE passport holders:
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
SCMP 23.04. - "Hundreds of complaints........."
Please read in comment 1 ! Read also this CHINA VISA NEWS from Reuters:
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Nice ! Domestic fare increases ?
Hongkie Town: here's one you might not have known
Read this by Spike - "Olympics business" getting into FULL SWING ! What else to come......?
Today in the "Standard": Protest in front of the CNN in LA: A woman of "asian descent" waving a card-board: "No Chinese Negative News (No CNN)" ! Good point - but some of the negative news is created by whom ?
The visa problem must be "solved" in favour of the business people who really need to go back and forth: Start talking - this is 2008 - not 1975 !
For visitors to the OLYMPICS : they only need 1 CHINA VISA + a VISA CARD to spend MONEY - 1 or 2 entries and then they anyhow never will come again.
Read this by Spike - "Olympics business" getting into FULL SWING ! What else to come......?
Today in the "Standard": Protest in front of the CNN in LA: A woman of "asian descent" waving a card-board: "No Chinese Negative News (No CNN)" ! Good point - but some of the negative news is created by whom ?
The visa problem must be "solved" in favour of the business people who really need to go back and forth: Start talking - this is 2008 - not 1975 !
For visitors to the OLYMPICS : they only need 1 CHINA VISA + a VISA CARD to spend MONEY - 1 or 2 entries and then they anyhow never will come again.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Today's China Visa News......
SCMP - page 3: "Business travel starts to suffer: CALLS MOUNT FOR ANSWERS ON VISA POLICY" -
AmCham, British Chamber of Commerce + Australian Chamber of Commerce complaining now and waiting for answers from Beijing.
Same page SCMP - "Travellers despair at conflicting versions of travel restrictions"
"Other chambers, including the European and British chambers, are now collecting information from their members and will file them to the Beiijing authorities in their fight to have the restrictions lifted"
Hopefully they will try to approach directly the responsible ministry - to file at the so-called complaints department takes months to get an answer, normally.
AmCham, British Chamber of Commerce + Australian Chamber of Commerce complaining now and waiting for answers from Beijing.
Same page SCMP - "Travellers despair at conflicting versions of travel restrictions"
"Other chambers, including the European and British chambers, are now collecting information from their members and will file them to the Beiijing authorities in their fight to have the restrictions lifted"
Hopefully they will try to approach directly the responsible ministry - to file at the so-called complaints department takes months to get an answer, normally.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
List of 33 countries.......
.....need to apply China Visa in their home-country now, if they are not holding HK - ID card:
Afghanistan / Algeria / Bangladesh / Congo / Egypt / Gambia / Ghana / Guinea / India / Indonesia / Iran / Iraq / Kaiakhstan / Kirghiziani / Libya / Malaysia / Mali / Mauritania / Monaco / Nepal / Nigeria / Pakistan / Philippines / Saudi Arabia / Sierra Leone / South Africa / Sri Lanka / Sudan / Syrian / Tajikistan / Tunisia / Turkey / Uzbekistan
In regards of ID card - probably it is meant "permanent ID card".
Monaco is also on the list - or is it a typing error........
Afghanistan / Algeria / Bangladesh / Congo / Egypt / Gambia / Ghana / Guinea / India / Indonesia / Iran / Iraq / Kaiakhstan / Kirghiziani / Libya / Malaysia / Mali / Mauritania / Monaco / Nepal / Nigeria / Pakistan / Philippines / Saudi Arabia / Sierra Leone / South Africa / Sri Lanka / Sudan / Syrian / Tajikistan / Tunisia / Turkey / Uzbekistan
In regards of ID card - probably it is meant "permanent ID card".
Monaco is also on the list - or is it a typing error........
Friday, April 18, 2008
SCMP 19.04. - see comment please
Please also read below new posts: Answer from 'Security Office" + several new comments spread over the last posts. Poll header changed to a more realistic one.
Have a nice day !
Have a nice day !
Secretary for Security answering
here the answer from a Secretary of the "Security Office" - actually it is somewhat a waste of space in this blog as it is 99% a copy of the message can be found on the "Commissioner's" latest news - but anyhow here is the message - together with the link where the text has been copied from or been created in "happy togetherness". Creative answer but it doesnt show too much responsibilty about all the business concerns and desasters coming up - suddenly business is NOT important anymore in Hong Kong ?
Thank you for your e-mail of 7 April addressed to the Chief Executive. The matter has been relayed to this Bureau and I am authorised to give you a reply.
The HKSAR Government has reflected the views/concerns of the Hong Kong business community to the relevant Mainland authorities. To the understanding of the HKSAR Government, foreigners are welcome to China. The Chinese visa is issued in accordance with laws and regulations of China, with reference of the practice of hosting countries of previous Olympic Games and other international sporting events. Compared to most other countries, it is relevantly easy and convenient to apply for a Chinese visa. Genuine visitors to China and those attending Olympic Games will not be affected. Since the establishment of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong SAR (OCMFA), it has always been providing efficient service to facilitate foreigners' visa application. The Office will continue to work in the same spirit. For more information, please visit OCMFA's website at http://www.fmcoprc.gov.hk/eng/default.htm%20.
Thank you for your e-mail of 7 April addressed to the Chief Executive. The matter has been relayed to this Bureau and I am authorised to give you a reply.
The HKSAR Government has reflected the views/concerns of the Hong Kong business community to the relevant Mainland authorities. To the understanding of the HKSAR Government, foreigners are welcome to China. The Chinese visa is issued in accordance with laws and regulations of China, with reference of the practice of hosting countries of previous Olympic Games and other international sporting events. Compared to most other countries, it is relevantly easy and convenient to apply for a Chinese visa. Genuine visitors to China and those attending Olympic Games will not be affected. Since the establishment of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong SAR (OCMFA), it has always been providing efficient service to facilitate foreigners' visa application. The Office will continue to work in the same spirit. For more information, please visit OCMFA's website at http://www.fmcoprc.gov.hk/eng/default.htm%20.
Foreigners are welcome to China......
...here "Latest news from "Commissioner's Office" issued 17.04.:
For F visa: What is an "additional visa notification letter" ?
Answer see in this post comments from a reader in Hangzhou. But how to apply this for example for Dongguan when your visa is expired and you are in Hong Kong and you cannot go to Dongguan to get this "visa notification letter" ?
Today front page SCMP: "New curbs on travel to the mainland" + on Page 3 "Europeans seek talks over visa restrictions"
For F visa: What is an "additional visa notification letter" ?
Answer see in this post comments from a reader in Hangzhou. But how to apply this for example for Dongguan when your visa is expired and you are in Hong Kong and you cannot go to Dongguan to get this "visa notification letter" ?
Today front page SCMP: "New curbs on travel to the mainland" + on Page 3 "Europeans seek talks over visa restrictions"
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Emails to...........
some members of the HK LEGCO - answers will be appreciated.
Confusion about who will get what kind of visa where and when.
Most web-sites of CHINA EMBASSIES have up-dated on April 14th - here UK:
N-TV reporting "Students need to leave":
Confusion about who will get what kind of visa where and when.
Most web-sites of CHINA EMBASSIES have up-dated on April 14th - here UK:
N-TV reporting "Students need to leave":
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Your Vote - poll is on top again.......
Answer from "German Consulate" in brief:
"...we are in contact with the chinese Government regarding this issue. We have not received any satisfying explaination until now................"
They are saying they want to push hard to resolve this matter, but no idea how long this will take.
Website "China's Foreign Ministry in the Hong Kong SAR 13.04.08:
means NO more visas issued in Hong Kong for non Hong Kong permanent residents. Maybe the HK tourism department will wake up on this news .......the legislator of tourism section Mr Howard Young who found this regulation "understandable" 1 week ago, should probably double-check if this is still "understandable" today from the point of represanting interests for
the "Hong Kong tourism sector".
"...we are in contact with the chinese Government regarding this issue. We have not received any satisfying explaination until now................"
They are saying they want to push hard to resolve this matter, but no idea how long this will take.
Website "China's Foreign Ministry in the Hong Kong SAR 13.04.08:
means NO more visas issued in Hong Kong for non Hong Kong permanent residents. Maybe the HK tourism department will wake up on this news .......the legislator of tourism section Mr Howard Young who found this regulation "understandable" 1 week ago, should probably double-check if this is still "understandable" today from the point of represanting interests for
the "Hong Kong tourism sector".
Saturday, April 12, 2008
......German Consulate, the different Chambers of Commerce - only answer received was by Donald Tsang's office:
Dear Mr...................,
Thank you for your email of 7 April. We have relayed the matter raised to the Security Bureau for follow-up. A reply will be given to you in due course.Yours sincerely, (J.............) for Private Secretary to Chief ExecutiveDonald Tsangs office
Dear Mr...................,
Thank you for your email of 7 April. We have relayed the matter raised to the Security Bureau for follow-up. A reply will be given to you in due course.Yours sincerely, (J.............) for Private Secretary to Chief ExecutiveDonald Tsangs office
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Voting is now working
Voting will always move up ......to stay on top of the page.
And here the link to WALL STREET JOURNAL:
And here the link to WALL STREET JOURNAL:
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
In the news today + 1 more making the confusion perfect
Here some info from todays SCMP front page: I am sorry for the lady who is concerned not to get enough shopping in Lowu - but this does not really hit the point.
The comment of Mr. Howard Young (Tourism sector legislator) that the restrictions are "understandable" are not very "understandable". May I ask why are this restrictions "understandable" ?

The "editorial" in todays SCMP is here:

And then later found this on the CHARLESTON DAILY MAIL - but is an AP source:
Here a part out of this article:
But in Beijing, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Jiang Yu denied there had been any change in policy.
"China's visa policy is formulated according to China's laws and regulations and in line with international practices,'' Jiang said at a regularly scheduled news conference. "I have checked this information and China did not stop granting multiple entry visas to foreign visitors.''
Have a good day !
The comment of Mr. Howard Young (Tourism sector legislator) that the restrictions are "understandable" are not very "understandable". May I ask why are this restrictions "understandable" ?

The "editorial" in todays SCMP is here:

And then later found this on the CHARLESTON DAILY MAIL - but is an AP source:
Here a part out of this article:
But in Beijing, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Jiang Yu denied there had been any change in policy.
"China's visa policy is formulated according to China's laws and regulations and in line with international practices,'' Jiang said at a regularly scheduled news conference. "I have checked this information and China did not stop granting multiple entry visas to foreign visitors.''
Have a good day !
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
It is officially confirmed.....
...that China will not issue anymore multiply entry visas anymore. This "service" of issueing multiply entry visa maybe will resume in October this year. Further comments were not available.
Following steps already from here - but no replies until now (it would be naive to think to receive replies within 1 day - but even after more than 1 week NONE of this "Chambers" have replied - added 16.04.08):
Personal email to following "Chambers of Commerce in Hong Kong:
- Belgium
- France
-Germany (this one bounced back immediately - maybe they should change the IT staff)
Other "personal" emails:
- German chancellor (received a meaningless "auto-answer")
- German foreign minister (similar "auto-answer")
- German Consul Mr Burbach in Hong Kong
- Mr Donald Tsangs office (ceo@ceo.gov.hk) - received following auto answer:
"This is to acknowledge receipt of your message. We shall reply to you, where appropriate, as soon as possible. (The above is generated by an auto-reply program)"
I very much hope that somehow somewhat we can change this situation - surely this is a little bit like "David vs. Goliath" - but I think China has to set some standards what they define as "travelers": When we need to go to China we are not travellers - we are working there + bringing business to our chinese partners, which is helping them to survive in a very hard and competitive field. A "traveller" is maybe some of our buyers or customers who come here 2 or 3 times a year and need maybe really only 1 - 2 entries to the mainland. They will not be very much hurt. But what about the "foreigners" being residents here in HK and going back & forth to China several days a week ?
Have a nice evening.
Following steps already from here - but no replies until now (it would be naive to think to receive replies within 1 day - but even after more than 1 week NONE of this "Chambers" have replied - added 16.04.08):
Personal email to following "Chambers of Commerce in Hong Kong:
- Belgium
- France
-Germany (this one bounced back immediately - maybe they should change the IT staff)
Other "personal" emails:
- German chancellor (received a meaningless "auto-answer")
- German foreign minister (similar "auto-answer")
- German Consul Mr Burbach in Hong Kong
- Mr Donald Tsangs office (ceo@ceo.gov.hk) - received following auto answer:
"This is to acknowledge receipt of your message. We shall reply to you, where appropriate, as soon as possible. (The above is generated by an auto-reply program)"
I very much hope that somehow somewhat we can change this situation - surely this is a little bit like "David vs. Goliath" - but I think China has to set some standards what they define as "travelers": When we need to go to China we are not travellers - we are working there + bringing business to our chinese partners, which is helping them to survive in a very hard and competitive field. A "traveller" is maybe some of our buyers or customers who come here 2 or 3 times a year and need maybe really only 1 - 2 entries to the mainland. They will not be very much hurt. But what about the "foreigners" being residents here in HK and going back & forth to China several days a week ?
Have a nice evening.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Recent news saying China Visa regulations will change for at least until the Olympics (means in September) like following: Foreign passport holders will be only entitled to apply for 30 days visa with a maximum of 2 entries.
I am a Hong Kong permanent resident + living here since almost 10 years - besides this I was a Shanghai resident for 2 years. I am holding an EU passport - german Nationality.
My business is doing garment production and exporting to Europe. We are a medium small enterprise like as many others in Hong Kong.
Above news sounds very disturbing to me and probably another 100,000 or more foreign passport holders in Hong Kong alone, very soon will feel the pinch of this new regulation.
Now somebody maybe will say: Then why do not send your local staff to do the work over there at the mainland ?
Everybody who is here for some time already knows that we ("foreign travelers") have also to go to the factories:
50% for normal business visits - 50% for solving problems - small or big - normally big.
For example my visa expires in 15 days (this was a 6 month multiply entry visa) and already in April and May I need to go to the mainland at least 6 - 7 times.
Can somebody of the relevant + responsible organisations tell me how this shall work: Monday morning go to Guangdong - evening come back. Thursday go again = 2 x entry expired herewith.
But I need to go the next Monday morning again.......and so on and on.
To make a long story short:
a) I do not think this new regulation is very helpful for business people - I do not talk about visitors for the Olympics.
b) This new regulation will hurt a lot of business on both sides of the border - not at least our mainland partners - small to medium manufacturers + fabric suppliers.
c) Once this new regulation will really be fully implemented there will be a complete collaps coming for visa applications after 2 or 3 months only here in Hong Kong.
I want to ask the foreign representatives of EU + US Governments to interfere against this regulations. Besides this I have sent personal emails to most of the "Chambers of Commerce" of different countries here in HK.
I very much hope to get a good and strong response on this blog and that we can come back to normal visa regulations in very short time to follow our normal business as usual.
I am a Hong Kong permanent resident + living here since almost 10 years - besides this I was a Shanghai resident for 2 years. I am holding an EU passport - german Nationality.
My business is doing garment production and exporting to Europe. We are a medium small enterprise like as many others in Hong Kong.
Above news sounds very disturbing to me and probably another 100,000 or more foreign passport holders in Hong Kong alone, very soon will feel the pinch of this new regulation.
Now somebody maybe will say: Then why do not send your local staff to do the work over there at the mainland ?
Everybody who is here for some time already knows that we ("foreign travelers") have also to go to the factories:
50% for normal business visits - 50% for solving problems - small or big - normally big.
For example my visa expires in 15 days (this was a 6 month multiply entry visa) and already in April and May I need to go to the mainland at least 6 - 7 times.
Can somebody of the relevant + responsible organisations tell me how this shall work: Monday morning go to Guangdong - evening come back. Thursday go again = 2 x entry expired herewith.
But I need to go the next Monday morning again.......and so on and on.
To make a long story short:
a) I do not think this new regulation is very helpful for business people - I do not talk about visitors for the Olympics.
b) This new regulation will hurt a lot of business on both sides of the border - not at least our mainland partners - small to medium manufacturers + fabric suppliers.
c) Once this new regulation will really be fully implemented there will be a complete collaps coming for visa applications after 2 or 3 months only here in Hong Kong.
I want to ask the foreign representatives of EU + US Governments to interfere against this regulations. Besides this I have sent personal emails to most of the "Chambers of Commerce" of different countries here in HK.
I very much hope to get a good and strong response on this blog and that we can come back to normal visa regulations in very short time to follow our normal business as usual.
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