Friday, May 9, 2008


now on the mainland ? Somebody just saying it was blocked from the very beginning.
Do I need to feel honored or scared ? None of both. "Blogspots" are blocked very often - also the "Hong Kong Jockey Club" web page is blocked on the mainland.
Blocking this blog is a misunderstanding anyhow:
This blog is "FOR CHINA" not "AGAINST CHINA" !
We need to keep the business relations with our partners on the mainland alive and not have this relations blocked + damaged for the next 5 months. We also have to act in the interest of our international customers who are relying and paying for our + our mainland partners work.


  1. It has been unaccessable from Mailand since very beginning, not just now. I found it when I was in Shenzhen on the weekend when the new visa policy just implemented.

  2. I had no problems up until about a week ago, but no it seems to be blocked.

  3. I live in Shenzhen and at the beginning I could access this site from my local ISP without any problems, then it became blocked about a week ago.

  4. Blogspot has been blocked in China for a couple years now. It is probably to block out the Fallun Gong.

    I live in China and have a couple Blogspot blogs. Occasionally, there is a lapse in the blocking for a week or so for some reason.

    But they are not trying to block you, per se.

    As far as the visa laws, it seems to be a way to straighten out a lot of visa misuse and abuse. I believe about 50% of the English teachers in Guangzhou are using business visas which is not correct.

    For a long time, everyone went by the old adage, The emperor is far and the mountains are high. They have decided now is the time to tighten things up and force everyone to do things properly.

  5. Anon ....
    1st - I am aware that blogspot is mostly blocked anyhow.
    2nd - Clearly there a a lot of "illegals" doing "illegal" business on the mainland - for myself I have no problem if this will be straighten up. Every country in the world has the right to insist to obey the law - whatever law it is - business / tax or residence law - all no problem.
    3rd - the problem we have to face here from the Hong KOng side is very easy to explain: We are HK buying offices / trading offices or sourcing offices placing orders to our mainland suppliers. We need to go there frequently to check production, keep up the relationship + initiate new developments. this is good for us + also good for our suppliers (including "know-how" transfer).

    You check my next post please ......
