even hurting the world's "oldest profession" - here the filippino "freelancers" (means hookers) in Wan Chai. They only get a 2 week tourist visa once coming to HK and then usually were going to Shenzhen for a couple of days and then back to get the next 2 weeks. As the Philippines is on the list of 33 countries need to apply China visa "at home" this "loop hole" is not existing anymore. So they need to try now back and forth via Macao - as this seems too troublesome for many of them, they simply left. SCMP says then Singapore is better for them ! Thats okay - sorry for them surely they also are affected by this visa rules - business is business. But the article is somewhat disturbing:
Not any word is mentioned about the real problem at all - about all the Chambers of Commerce of different EU countries + US trying to interfere and find solutions with the "Central Government" for the many "gweilos" (foreign passport holders with permanent HK ID card for example) to come back to a better handling of this visa regulations.
NOT ANY WORD about what the HKSAR Government was or is doing - besides copying meaningless statements issued by the Commissioners Office or some FOREIGN MINISTRY spokesman / woman. Come on guys - you think we are really that DUMB ?
Also this article gives the impression, especially for people not familiar with the whole "visa problem", that there is some good effects by this visa policy. Yes, if you guys think it is so important to get the Filippino hookers out with this - congratulations. This is just a side effect - and surely good for the many local hookers - boosting the business for them. But this not really catches the real problem. Therefore (besides the facts that is seems really many of the filippinas were forced to leave) this article is totally misleading about the REAL "CHINA VISA PROBLEM".
Personally this Visa regulations has put me in a deep crisis. We have spent 100 thousand of US dollars the last years in travelling, hotels, entertaining the chinese and supporting factories with upfront payments (sometimes worth nothing) ! And now all the HK press is talking about the problems the hookers have with this regulations ? We are really loosing confidence in the way this issue is handled by both of the governments. This is all a very very big mistake. How comes we need to go with a tourist visa now to conduct our business > All the blah blah that multiple F visa still available and nothing has changed is just blah blah - the daily practice and daily need to go on the fly is forcing us to use this stupidly issued L Visa by HK travel agencies. Thank you Mr Tsang, Mr. Wen + Mr. Hu (I even doubt that Wen & Hu know what rubbish was done by some of their departments).