Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Is it this piece of paper to open you the door again ? Nobody is willing to tell us. I have sent factory admin staff in several provinces to check where they can get this piece of paper. They will try their best - but funnily one officer in a PSB office already told them "why your customer does not buy the visa at China Travel Service in Hong Kong" - it seems they know nothing outside there on the countryside.
To study this PAPER in a bigger format just click on it.
The "Secratary of HK Security Office" sending following message to me (on June 2nd) about how to get more info about where and with what we can get this "VISA NOTIFICATION LETTER":
Dear Mr. XXXXXX, I am authorised to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail dated 23 May 2008. We shall revert to you soon. Yours faithfully,
By the way - most far away visitor on this blog was from Bermuda.


  1. Please go to http://www.visarite.com/China_Visa_New_Policy_FAQ.htm#visaNotice

    You can contact them to make the "Visa notification letter".

    You must do the Visa in your home country.

  2. Hi

    I am a Indian with indian passport and being doing business in china .I got the visa Notification letter facing lots of difficulties and then applied for visa and wonder of wonder i got a six month Multiple entry visa and then i came down to enter through Shenzhen and there they made me wait for one hour asking lots of question and treating me almost like a criminal including taking the photos in the standard police fashion . it was so humiliating experience and after that without giving Any reason they asked me to go back to HK .and a so called UNOFFICIAL SUGGESTION from the officer was to return after 6-7 months .
    SO Visa are being issued but the real question to be asked is how many people are being permitted to enter again in china .God Help Business People Chinese and Others .

  3. I obtained a Visa Notification Letter from through a Chinese state controlled company in Shanghai. Being a HKID card holder, but UK citizen I applied in Hong Kong and the result:-
    3 month, double entry, maximum stay 30 days. What a waste of time!

  4. Hi Sam,
    sorry to hear that - actually you should publish this to the PRESS here in HK. Did you do anything wrong in China ? If NO you should really HEAVILY COMPLAIN - at least contact your CONSULATE or EMBASSY.

    Hi Luke, yes it seems all kind of "interpretation" is possible on the rules now. Did you apply through travel agent or did you directly apply in the "Commissioners Office" ? Most probably they have counted you to the "aliens" categorized under: "HK ID (not permanent) + Visa Notification Letter" must GO HOME to apply multiple F Visa.
    It is a L visa you have received now or is it F ?

  5. The Visa Notification letter does not seem to be doing any good for me. I have that, but still did not get the right visa in the end. What a waste of time and money.

  6. I got an F visa, for which I am thankful. I used our company's travel agent to apply for the visa.

    With regards to Sam, I have heard that they are being really tight on visas to Indians, Sri Lankans and Indonesians....

  7. Hi Luke - good to hear that it is an F visa at least - because maybe sooner or later they will start cracking down on people who only got L visas instead of their normally issued F visa. Because L is for tourist and once they catch you standing in a factory with an L visa - can be the next trouble.

    Yes India is on the list of the 33 countries who need to apply VISA at their home country. BUT - if you are already holding the visa in your passport, then it is really strange that they are doing this and should be def a point to complain !

  8. Hi Visa man

    Thanks for the Support and suggestion In China i have not done anything wrong . Already wrote to the Indian Consulate in HK but yet to get a response. on the same day i got rejected two indonesians also got rejected despite having valid travel visa and documents .
    So i Guess Chinese Government really does not care what the world thinks of them . But My Chinese friends have gone out of their way to help me out and i am grateful to them for that . God Bless them.
    Thanks for publishing my Incident.


  9. hi i would like to know what is the procedure to obtain visa notification letter and how long does it usually take and what are the necessary documents that need to given to obtain this letter

  10. Hi Erickson,

    the letter must be obtained by your chinese "inviter" at the locol authorities (like Public Security Buero or Government Departments etc.) - this mainly depends on the place your inviters company is located. Be aware that the inviter must submit all his company registration documents when the apply for this letter for you.

    Best is they have your passport copy, your company letter to explain the reason for your visit + numbers of visits planned, the invitation letter of the chinese company. Then once this document is received and chopped by the local authorities you need to apply with the origional document for the visa together with plane ticket (at least for the first trip) + hotel booking (at least for the first trip) and other supporting documents (business or manufactoring contracts between your company + the inviter can be helpful) - then normally it should be no problem. The visa must be applied at the relevant chinese consulate/embassy at your home country ! Means if you have no HK ID card (permanent) you must apply in your residence country.
    Thats what is my information for the moment.

  11. I am an Indian. i am going to apply for z visa, i have all the other documents like xpat certificate, medical document, except for this visa notification letter. I am going to work in a school in shenzhen as Math and physics teacher. My visiting visa is going to expire soon. I would like to know, how long it will take to get this letter?

  12. Hi Erickson,

    for a Z Visa you normally DO NOT NEED the "Visa Notification Letter" (this is for F Visa). Z Visa is work visa and should go hand in hand with a residence permit for the place your company is located. But, as your country (India) is on a banned list of 33 countries I doubt you can finish the application in mainland China directly. Probably you have to do this from your original place of residence - means India. If you did not had a Z visa before better double-check with the local authorities how to handle this - and important: Talk with your employer about this topic and ask him to fully support you with the correct + LEGAL documents !

  13. hi, I am an Indian and would like to know what is the latest procedure ( post olympics) to obtain a business class visa for China. Kindly help me to get the information regarding all the necessary documents required to obtain business visa for China.

  14. Hi,
    I am an Indian, I got a visiting Scholar offer from SCSIO. when i enquired at the chinese embassy, they told i have to take the business visa, because it is related to research in the science. they asked me for the visa notification letter from the local government. how to tell the people there at SCSIO. Please let me know about it, is there any particular format for it?

  15. hello,
    Please let me know the format and requiremens to get the visa notification letter. how the visa notification letter will be.


  16. The higher growth in the economy of China shows a path and attracts business travelers from various parts of the world. Despite the fact that Chinese government is showing the trends of changes, much has not changed in last couple of years in terms of Visa. The process is lengthy and visitors are asked to wait a lot which is against the interest of China itself. Visitors are interrogated a lot which is a sort of harassment.
