How to work around this new rule ? Very difficult because:
1) A remark will be printed on the visa sticker - restrict this cities.
Means nobody will issue a airticket or busticket to you with this remark.
For example if you have applied F visa with a Hangzhou "notification letter" you will not be able tyo take a train, as they will check your passport. You can take a car, yes, but you will breach the "entry & exit law" if you have that remark in your passport and you still go to Shanghai.
2) Next will be L visa. As per following logic: All "normal olympic tourists"should have their travel documents complete by now (including visa).
Then simply do not issue anymore L visa for this cities. As you need to show ticket and hotel booking it will be simply denied.
To read the article simply click on it.
Why not together with the visa distribute "arm-bands" for foreigners to wear ?
Maybe one with F and one with L. Will make the work for the police during the next weeks easier.
There is one comment in below post I first did not wanted to issue: Some "nice person" is naming us exploiters and suggesting to "burn down our factories".
Next comments with a "sentiment" like this will not be published anymore.
No more L-Visa? WTF??
ReplyDeleteAnd what about people who want to come in september?
Strange new World.