Saturday, August 30, 2008


As the Poll will be removed soon, here some of the best comments from the last months on the POLL comment page:
Next Stop Vietnam
Apr 25, 2008 7:12am ET
I live in HK and make high end electronics with fussy requirements. Normally I go to Shenzhen 3 days a week. Sometimes every day. I just set up a new company, hired a Chinese engineering manager and had planned to have a new office up and running by May 1. The visa situation has put me in a tight spot has made me look for a Plan B, so I booked a flight to Vietnam and just spent a week scouting out factories. What I saw impressed me. Vietnam is more expensive that China but the quality of labour force is higher and they pride themselves on attention to detail. It will be 3-5 years before they challenge China on high end electronic manufacture but with the Intel factory being built and Hon Hai setting up there the snowball is just starting to roll down the hill. This visa nonsense will just speed up the process as publically listed companies currently manufacturing everything in China MUST now look for a Plan B to lower their political risk. The impact to China will be limited for years but billions of dollars of investment that would have been spent in China is not now going to happen and Vietnam will emerge as a rival in juicy, high margin business much faster than would otherwise be the case.
May 10, 2008 10:13pm
Next time one of these so called business leaders makes an appeal to foreign business people to support China, I'll say sure - PLEASE TAKE A NUMBER and HERE'S A LINK TO OUR WEBSITE which has contradictory information.
Jun 25, 2008 3:42am ET

If we were to wait for our Hong Kong Government Officials to seriously go to bat for us who are so badly impacted by this ridiculous China Visa Policy, we'd may as well wait till the "cows come home". Have we not noticed that all Senior Government Officials DO NOT hold foreign passports? This dliemma that we now face is obviously not a concern for any of them personally so why risk alienating Central Government and perhaps lose their rich and cushy jobs? This may be a real issue for us to ask for full democaracy in Hong Kong so that these officials will serve the people of Hong Kong and NOT some bureaucrats in motherland.
Greek Guy in Hong Kong
Jul 24, 2008 11:15pm ET

No need for normal things in China, especially Visas, China is ruled by Chinese and as such they wake up in the morning and decide on some ridiculous nonsense and still think they can make money out of us foreigners. I decidd to shift all my business to Vietnam and let the Chiense enjoy themselves

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