Thursday, November 3, 2011

Not enough yet about disgusting things ?

Here you go ! Just a few weeks ago this has happened in Shanghai - you read below later. Just coming back from a meeting with a good friend (almost 20 years in China now) - we both have agreed on following: The overall attitude of people in the bigger (1st, 2nd & even 3rd tier chinese cities) cities is getting more crazy, disrespectful + simply horrible. And still the "china drunkeness" of foreign "investors", foreign employees etc. seems never to end.
Do you all really know the truth with whom you are dealing with ? Do you ever question about the "business structures"you have to obey to ? Are you sure that this is all safe & "good & honest" business ?
Anyhow here now "enjoy" that nice story about an AUDI driver killing a parking maid in Shanghai rich district Xuhui (this is from here)
 Crazy Audi driver in Xuhui refuses to pay parking fee, kills meter maid.
A 40-year-old man has been apprehended by police after crushing a meter maid to death with his car over a disputed parking fee. The scene unfolded this morning at 10:30am in Xuhui District on Dong'An Road near XieTu Road.
Witnesses (Chinese link) described seeing the man and the meter maid arguing by the side of the road. The man was parked in a fee zone and was attempting to drive away without paying when the meter maid stepped in front of the car in an attempt to force him to stop. The man continued forward regardless, knocking the attendant over and dragging her under the wheels of the car.
Passersby quickly moved to rescue the meter maid by lifting the vehicle off of her, whereupon she was rushed to the hospital, but she died shortly after.
After the incident, the Audi driver got out of the car looking extremely scared, took out his cellphone and walked to the street corner where he was eventually apprehended by police.
In that area of Shanghai, the cost of parking is a paltry 15RMB per hour.
With the recent Li Shuangjiang incident, and the infamous "My Dad is Li Gang" debacle, not to mention scores of other cases, we have to ask: should luxury sedan owners in China be required to undergo regular psychiatric evaluations?

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