Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The begging teacher in TST - John Naaykens
Please read here the chinese version first - after that a "translation" from Google (still not too good - but at least you will understand the nature of the whole story............):
"I miss my wife!"(我不见了我妻子)毕业于加拿大著名学府,拥有专业心理学家资格的 58岁加籍英语老师,去年9月与任教的四川大学闹出合约纠纷,其间先后涉逾期居留被驱出内地,更被年仅 23岁的妙龄妻子抛弃,顿时变成失婚丶失业双失汉。这位曾在中丶日丶台大学任教的洋学者连日流落尖沙嘴行乞,教授变乞丐的他,唯一心愿是筹足钱更换护照,再闯内地见少妻一面。
香港尖沙嘴天星码头对开街头是中外游客及港人逛街的热点,58岁的加拿大人 John Naaykens每逢大白天便坐在麦当劳星光行分店正门旁的梯级,但他此行并不是观光,而是行乞。他每次现身,颈上挂上一张四川绵阳西南科技大学英语导师证,同时手持一幅"CHINA kicked me OUT(被踢出中国)!"的标语。当游人驻足观看,他便拿起与内地妻子的合照向游人乞钱,希望筹钱更换新护照,尝试挽回与妻子濒临破裂的感情,并支付每晚 70元的宾馆床位及每天 9元一个汉堡包等开支。
John Naaykens先后在加拿大著名学府——英属哥伦比亚大学取得心理学硕士及专业心理学家资格,其后在该校获聘任教授两年, 1993年开始亚洲教学之旅,先后到过内地的中南财经政法大学丶国际教育中心丶安徽经济管理学院丶台湾的铭传大学及日本新舄大学任教,主要教授硕士生及教师写英文论文。三年前他结识年轻 35岁的湖北籍妻子,共谐连理,爱情事业两得意。
落难来港后, John暂居美丽都大厦内一所宾馆斗室,有尼日利亚男同房客说同情他的遭遇,愿意慷慨与他分享食物。不过,当 John以为自己已倒霉透顶,前日竟又遇上贼匪,行装在一夜间被人偷去,全身只剩下一个纸袋丶存有妻子相片的 U盘及一套衣服。每天他拿着纸牌和妻子的合照来到尖沙嘴,不少途人同情其遭遇,给予 20至 100元不等,运气好时个半小时便筹得 300元。然而《苹果日报》记者连续多日观察他行乞以及在宾馆情况,发现这位洋学者好酒成性,试过短短行乞个半小时内,便花费 40多元购买三瓶啤酒饮。而在宾馆房间内则满是白酒丶威士忌及啤酒。他与人倾谈时杯不离手,当被记者打岔时更数度光火。
记者其后联络西南科技大学国际大学国际合作与交流处姓钟科长,他指曾有两名外籍教师投诉 John课后饮酒且出言威吓同僚,所以在合约期满后不再续聘他,校方亦提前支付了他在职期间所欠的 32,500元人民币薪金。
58岁的 John Naaykens三年前在武汉的国际教育中心任教时,邂逅比他年轻 35年的女硕士研究生,双方一见钟情,闪电结婚,婚后, John几乎包养了妻子及女方的一家,老夫少妻的生活,令 John春风得意,不时会拿出口袋内妻子的相片向他人炫耀。
但好景不常, John去年与四川绵阳西南科技大学发生合约纠纷,一年合约期,只教了不到半年学,赚了数万元薪金,更因无法取得工作签证而要被驱逐出境,妻子亦随即变脸。
John向记者称,妻子去年以父母患病为由,要他立即汇款约 46,000港元治病,之后便与他断绝联络,之后提出离婚。由结婚至离婚, John称均是妻子的意思,当初赞成婚事的岳父丶岳母更指他「人又老,钱又没有」。一段历时仅三年的婚姻对 John像发梦一样,如今真是人财两失,但这位 58岁的中年人,仍像初恋少男一样,坚信妻子仍爱着他,因此他频频闯境,并要筹钱换护照,再申请内地签证去找妻子谈心。记者看他的护照,发现他逗留香港的期限于本月 29日到期。他声称会去一趟澳门,然后会继续在香港行乞三个月。
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And here the translation:
I miss my wife! "(I was gone my wife) graduated from famous universities in Canada, 58-year-old Canadian has a professional psychologist qualified English teacher, taught at Sichuan University in September last year sudden, contractual disputes, during which successively involving overstayers are driven out of mainland was only 23 years old, the young wife abandoned, suddenly become divorced, unemployed loss Han foreign scholar who has taught in the middle, at Dian Taiwan University days living on the Tsim Sha Tsui, begging, professors become beggars, the only The wish is raised enough money to replace a passport, then break the mainland to see Shaoqi side.
Hong Kong Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier street is the hot spot for foreign tourists and the people of Hong Kong shopping, 58-year-old Canadian John Naaykens during the broad daylight and sat down at the door of the cascade branch of McDonald's Star House is, but he is not a tourist, but begging. Every time he appeared in the neck the Mianyang Southwest University of Science and Technology English teachers certificate, hang up a handheld a "CHINA kicked me OUT (was kicked out of China)" slogan. When visitors stopped to watch, he picked up the photo with the mainland wife begging for money to tourists, hoping to raise money to replace the new passport, try to restore the verge of rupture of the feelings with his wife, and pay $ 70 per night hotel beds and 9 yuan a day, a hamburgers and other expenses.
John Naaykens has made in the famous universities in Canada - University of British Columbia psychology master's and professional psychologist qualifications and subsequently was appointed a professor in the school two years teaching tour in Asia in 1993, has been to the mainland of Zhongnan taught by the University of Political Science, Centre for International Education, Anhui Institute of Economics and Management, Ming Chuan University in Taiwan and Japan, Niigata University, teaches graduate students and teachers to write English papers. Three years ago he made the acquaintance of the young Hubei Ji wife of 35 years of age, a total plunge, love and career pride.
Last year he signed with the Mianyang Southwest University of Science and Technology began to suffer setbacks after a one-year English teacher contracts. He claimed that the employment of his unit "International Cooperation and Exchange" determined to make things difficult, extended cross information, so that the entry has been unable to obtain work permits, soon after the expiration of their tourist visas, as overstayers, was later expulsion exit, the wife see him as not a professor, and immediately filed for divorce.
The trouble to come to Hong Kong, John temporarily in a hotel in cramped quarters in the Mirador Mansion, Nigeria gay guest sympathize with what happened to him, willing to generously share their food with him. However, when John thought to himself hapless end up event of the thief, the day before the luggage was stolen overnight, the body only a paper bag, there is the wife photos U disk and a suit of clothes. Every day he took a photo of the cards and his wife came to Tsim Sha Tsui, and many passers-by sympathy for their experience and give the range from 20-100 yuan, good luck and a half hours will be raised to 300 yuan. However, the Apple Daily reporter observed him for several days begging in the hotel situation and found that the nature of foreign scholars wine, tried within a short period of begging and a half hours, they spend more than 40 yuan to buy three bottles of beer drinking. In a hotel room full of white wine, whiskey and beer. With the cup when people talk to their hands, when a reporter interrupted angrily.
The reporter subsequently contacted the Southwest University of Science and Technology International University International Cooperation and Exchange surname Zhongke Chang, he was referring to the foreign teachers had two complaints from John after-school drinking and verbally intimidate colleagues, so discontinuing the appointment after the expiry of the contract, the school The party also paid in advance during owed $ 32,500 salary.
58-year-old John Naaykens three years ago in Wuhan International Education Center to teach, met more than 35 years of his young female graduate students, the two sides at first sight, got married, marriage, John almost nurturing a wife and the woman, May-September marriages life, John brilliance, from time to time come up with photos of his wife in the pocket to show off to others.
But good times never last, John is a contract dispute last year, and Sichuan Mianyang, Southwest University of Science and Technology, a contract period of one year, taught only less than six months to learn, earn tens of thousands of dollars of salary to be deported therefrom, but can not obtain a work visa, his wife also immediately turned hostile.
John said to the reporters, the wife on the grounds last year, parents sick, and asked him to immediately remittances of about HK $ 46,000 of medical treatment, after they cut off contact with him, and then filed for divorce. From marriage to divorce, John are his wife, meaning the original in favor of the marriage of the father-in-law, mother-in-law refers to his "old money does not". A period which lasted only three years of marriage to John like a dream, now is really human and financial loss, but the 58-year-old middle-aged man, still love boys, convinced that his wife still loved him, so he frequently break the environment, and to raise money for passport, applying for mainland visas to go to his wife talk. Reporters to see his passport and found that the duration of his stay in Hong Kong due on the 29th of this month. He claims that will go to Macau, and will continue to begging in Hong Kong for three months.
This story is no surprise to me. Drunken John fled Taiwan following a drunken driving car accident. Apparently, he had been beaten on the streets by gangsters who claimed they were owed money over drinking debts and prostitutes.
ReplyDeleteDrunken John has also been charged with assaulting women in Canada and is well into his 60s.