Sunday, November 9, 2014

here the late night news today 08.11.14

no. 1 message:
Students will not go to the APEC SUMMIT in Beijing - one already refused entry to Shenzhen
no. 2 message:
Tung Chee Wa not responding in a proper way - just as a tape recorder
no.. 3 message:
Emily we really love your statement in that interview - Carrie Lam & CY Leung can you still sleep ?

And then afer all that occupy things in the news: About corruption in China esp in the Government - nice ! And the remaining bunch of folks are all that trustworthy ? 18,000 fled China in the last 20 years or so with a whooping 800 billion RMB (believe it or not - maybe it is much more). Corruption is everywhere in China - some examples here:

1) You are a factory owner with a local registration ? You will have multiply visits form officials for "inspection" and then being asked RMB 800 per visitor. Need a receipt ? No problem then it is 1,800.

2) You register a small WOFE ? Good guy - honest business guaranteed for you only. Soon some guys will come confiscate all your computer equipment - and then you can buy it back a few days later.

3) Any trouble with troublesome workers ? Easy job. Go to the next police station - tell the uniformed guys your problem - fork out a few hundred for each of them. They will come your place & take care the problem.

4) All is very creative and always welcome new ideas. Whatever can bring a few buck is welcome.

5) You are such kind of idiot to order Luis Vuitton bags online with a China supplier ? Good you get together with the fake bag an "original receipt" from the LV shop in Prince Buildings in HKG + a fake copy of a credit card receipt - all with your name on it - VERY COOL. You are safe if any customs officer in EU or USA challenge you about the IP of that bag.

6) Need more ? At an International Exhibition recently in Shanghai outside hawkers selling fake badges for RMB 10 per piece. Inside you had a lot of hawkers foe fake watches - some guys passed nice nam,e cards with half naked woman pictures - this was apparently some kind of hookers advertisement.


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