Monday, June 30, 2008


After 3 month being hit by the new "china visa regulations" here a short "china visa guideline" for "L & F visa":
1) Do not be a terrorist, do not be a tibet activist or a torch relay protester (if YOU are one of this: China intelligence anyhow will know YOU and you will not get a visa at ALL - so whats all this mess about the rest of us ????).
Better be not a member of any activist group like Amnesty, Bertelsmann Book Club, Amway or any forbidden religious community.
2) Do not be AIDS positive (or have any mental disease), do not have a criminal record or ever have been refused a CHINA VISA. But this is all normal visa conditions - right ?

L-VISA (Tourist Visa)
Travel schedule needed (tickets in & out of China) + hotel booking. Normally no problem as 95% of all real tourists get this handled by their travel agents in their HOME COUNTRY.
For real Tourists the new China Visa regulations should be not a problem at all, as long as they do not belong to the groups see GENERAL RULES.
Make sure you are able to have a "bank-statement at hand showing a minimum of USD 100 / day for the period of your whole visa validity. Or show CASH (USD 100 / day for your visa validity - do not forget CHINA loves your CASH (more than anything else of YOU). And if the rules would be followed strictly: You should provide a certification letter by the "China tourist department" (according to the "Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on control of the Entry and Exit of Aliens" - Approved by the State Council on December 3, 1986, and Promulgated by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on December 27, 1986).
But it seems no need for this - otherwise no more tourists will come to China soon, as this paper most probably is simply not available / existing.

F-VISA (Business Visa)
This visa is only existing in passports still holding valid F-Visa.

If you "want to try" to apply a F-Visa be aware of following:
a) Supply travel schedule + in & outbound air-ticket + hotel reservations.
b) Have an original "Visa Notification Form" issued by authorized Foreign Affairs Office or Bureau of Commerce" (+ additional documents - for example the registration of your company on the mainland ???)
c) On top of this (not sure if this is really true or only a rumour): the last "Visa Notification Form" (original) which was used to issue your previous F-Visa.

And if point c) really is the truth: No need to think anymore about any F Visa for you for the time being:
Because this is 99.9% impossible. Nobody (!) holding a 6 month F-Visa for example issued in January 2008 will be able to supply this original "Visa Notification Form" which granted this visa.

What is the real problem here for the "Central Government" ? To kick out illegal business people doing business on base of a L or F visa, because they do not have the correct registration certificates (Rep office registration or WOFE / JV) to obtain a real "Z-Visa" ?
They were doing like this the last 10 years or longer - just to remind you & it was accepted because it brought a lot of business for ALL !
One point here:
Why HK registered offices placing export orders to China factories do need a registered office in China ? This is not necessary - and sorry Mr Customs Man you need to understand that we should be able to go to this suppliers to see if they do the job correct or not: Because it is our money, our customers & our reputation we need to protect ! And finally it is for the good sake of the mainland suppliers themselves, because we will protect them, not to ship out RUBBISH ("sub standard goods").

There would be a very easy way for the chinese immigration to filter out which visa holder maybe is "abusing" the multiple F-Visa or not:
1) F-Visa 6 months with only 1 entry at the beginning of the validity and one exit close to the expiry date: This visa holder simply permanently stays in China with the F-Visa. It is possible that this visa - holder is doing some business in the mainland, he normally would need a Z-Visa for. But cannot get a "Z-Visa", because of lack of proper registration certificates etc.
2) F-Visa 6 months with many entries + exits from and back to HK because the holder is a HK resident and is surely not permanently staying on the mainland and also have not a "base" there like illegal office / appartment etc.

So, why do we have to suffer this non-sense regulation ? Can anybody answer this ?
Not acceptable is the standard answer: "Because of the Olympics...............".

Here is IGGY sending the "best regards" to all of you working for the "ONE WORLD ONE DREAM" - Dream and destroying many people's business & livelihoods (also many of YOUR OWN people's business ) - Iggy is spitting again at 1.39 - enjoy DIRT !

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