Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The "Design" of Visa Policy ?

"China Daily" today trying to play down the "china visa problem". Wei Wei director general of the ministry's consular department is explaining that they do not want to "deter visitors".
Please read below link.
No word about the other part - means business people - it is very smart to avoid the word "tourists" - so we are all visitors. Yes, sure this is true by the meaning of the word.
But the "designers" of this new visa policy dont know their own statistics (following figures is all from Central Government websites):
2006: 2.2 Mio foreign visitors (this is from the tourist department) - means this is real tourists. This is not including tourists from Taiwan, HK or Macao - which is a much bigger number - around 10 Mio for 2006.
2006: Visa's issued 7.4 Mio - now please lets find out who are the other 5.2 Mio visitors ?
Same article is saying that for example the Winter Games in Turin (Italy) were used to examine other countries visa policies during "Olympics" and helping the relevant departments to adjust the "Chine Visa Policy".
To compare Italy with China is like comparing a peanut & a coconut:
To Italy following countries do not need any VISA at all: EU (500 Mio), USA (300 Mio), Canada (33 Mio), Australia (21 Mio) + British passport holders besides the EU passport (could not find a correct figure now - but at least 20 - 30 Mio) - this is already more than 850 Mio can go to Italy without ANY VISA.
How many 100 Millions (foreign passport holders) can go to China without a Visa ?
You still want to compare this ?
Me personally do not give a shit if I have to give my finger prints somewhere to get a visa - what is the big deal about this ? Your fingers will not get dirty - this is all done by "high tech" or would they use real ink in China to do this ?
This is not a very good excuse at all.
Can it be "somebody somewhere" is starting to smell what "bad design" this visa policy was ?
Can it be that the "visa boomerang" is hitting harder then some of this "visa designers" are willing to admit now ?
Can it be that it would have been better to do some "fine tuning" on this policy before taking out the HAMMER and destroying a lot of faith and confidence and business of 100,000 of business people willing to work with chinese partners ?
Better think twice - it is never too late. CHEERS !

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