Thursday, July 3, 2008

"It goes against China's own interests" + ERASERHEAD TRAILER

please read here from the "LOS ANGELES TIMES":,0,5029256.story
Lets hope the "visa designers" also can read this and maybe find out what kind of problem they have "designed". How careless they are handling this issue for 100,000's (are you familiar with the many 'zero's"..or will you still mix it up ?) of friends of China, coming here since years and suddenly not able to come anymore. Wrong design and wrong measurements !
Adjustment is urgently needed. This design is rejected herewith.
Nobody of us will throw bombs, or sit in a Beijing public toilet (without doors) to make a "diy bomb or nuclear weapon".
We are also not "olympic spectators" yelling any slogans about whatever. We just want to continue our business with our chinese partners the same way we did it the last 10 - 15 years. We all will immediately sign not to go to Beijing for the next 4 months if neccessary you can include Qingdao also ! Also as all bars are closed there very soon we are anyhow not interested - because sometimes we want to have a drink in a relaxed & peaceful environment.
And here enjoy the ERASERHEAD trailer (1977) !


  1. Hi Visa man,

    Could you change the color setting of your blog back to before (so do the visa rules of course!)? This unpredictable change of a black background has brought a huge trouble for visitors who need to access your blog frequently ( may be multi entries everyday )!

  2. Hi - please explain: I do not understand what is the problem with the black background ?
    I do not see a problem with this - but willing to learn .......

  3. I just realized it's OK to browse the content in a LCD monitor. But from another PC with an old fashion SVGA monitor, it is really hard to read the message in a black background color.
