Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This blog will not stop.....

.................................................even the CHINA VISA problems are mainly solved / over.

Decision is made to keep the blog "alive" - maybe not that frequent posting, but about anything interesting from Hong Kong + China together with some nice music. Blogname just stays same for the time being.

Sidebar with links will come up soon again also.

See you later.


Who? said...

You have done a great job. I look forward to a new blog. It would be nice if we could do a blog naming and shaming bad suppliers and bad customers so others can be warned.

The Visa Man said...

Hi WHO ?

Funnily I had a similar idea but then skipped it again, because can be quite a "critical issue" how to filter out truth from "cheap revenge" or similar............But maybe still an idea need to be followed........